google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html RHTTC55 e-Magazine 電子雜誌: About


Recreation and Health Table Tennis Club for Adults 55+

The  Recreation & Health Table Tennis Club for Adults 55+ had its humble beginning. It started with a few pioneers who ventured to McConaghy Seniors' Centre with a few table tennis balls and some rudimentary racquets looking for some fun and recreation, knowing that the programs at this Centre were catering to seniors 55 and over. Before long, there was so much fun in playing table tennis that strangers became friends and when the games were on, the room was always filled with laughter.

As the group started to take shape, we developed a belief that apart from the recreational benefits of this game, friendship, and tolerance should play a significant role in our approach. 

Thanks to our hardworking volunteers, tournaments, Christmas parties, monthly lunch gatherings, and weekly chit-chats over a cup of coffee and breakfast have become our normal routines. 

With the help and understanding of the authority of the Town of Richmond Hill, our members can now enjoy the luxury of playing table tennis at 4 different centers and at time slots that fit their personal schedules with reasonable equipment and friendly environment. 

Blessed with the above favorable elements and our well-established friendly tradition over the years,  all newcomers feel  at home and we take pride in witnessing the membership enrolling in our program has grown by leaps and bounds recently. 

It is through playing table tennis that this group has come into being and personally,  it is very gratifying for us to come to round up a bunch of very good Friends as an added bonus. LONG LIVE Recreation & Health Table Club for Adults 55+ 

By Desmond  MA

Recreation & Health Table Tennis Club for Adults 55+ 
成立至今不過數年;初時設備簡陋,只供應單薄球板數塊及乒乓球若干,活動時間也不多.然而參予者均樂在其中.在這些拓荒者努力之下,會員日增;而更重要的一點,就是每人都在享受打球的樂趣,很多時因沒有計分判勝負,大家都不會感受 " 壓力" ,無意中構成了一個別樹一幟的特式.


近年更得到各會員的協助,籌辦了多次成功的比賽,盛大的聖誕前 Pot Luck,定期每月一次的歡樂中午茶聚,週一的龍門陣早餐會;更間接推動成立了卡拉OK,給予會員大展歌喉的機會.

在會員人數日益壯大之下, McC 亦大力協助,添加了數張球桌,安排了更多場地及活動時間.目前會員可就自己需要,選擇到 McConaghy,Oak Ridges, Langstaff 或 Rouge Woods 大展身手,互相觀摩.

綜合以上各元素及多年來難能可貴的傳統及理念,令新來的會員無不有 "賓至如歸" 之感,也很快便融入這個大家庭裡.
有幸參加了這個團體,期望Recreation & Health Table Club for Older Adults 55 固有精神永垂不朽.

By Richard CHI