, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html RHTTC55 e-Magazine : Reminder Table Tennis Drop-in Programs Cancellation (December)

Reminder Table Tennis Drop-in Programs Cancellation (December)

Ping Pong drop-in program December 2019

Please note  the following cancellations

(1) All centres will be closed on Dec 25 and 26

(2) Table tennis drop-in will be cancelled on the following centres and dates


Langstaff            Dec 24,30,31 十二月二十四,三十及三十一曰
Rouge Woods     Dec 30,31  十二月三十及三十一曰

Oak Ridges        Dec 31  十二月三十曰

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