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About RHTTC 55 by Desmond Ma

Please enjoy reading the following that has been efficiently created by our Mr. Ma, Desmond.

It is a stylish piece of work.

May I propose to have it posted onto our blog that can be shared by all our friends.

A great salute to Desmond !

Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2013, 1:40 PM


The  RHTTC 55 had its humble beginning. It started with a few pioneers ventured to MCC with a few table tennis balls and some rudimentary racquets looking for some fun and recreation, knowing that the programs at this Centre were catering for seniors 55 and over. Before long, there was so much fun in playing table tennis that strangers became friends and when the games were on, the room was always filled with laughter.

 As the group started to take shape, we have developed a belief that apart from  recreational benefits of this game, friendship and tolerance should play a significant role in our approach. 

Thanks to our hardworking volunteers , tournaments, Christmas parties, monthly lunch gatherings and weekly chit-chats over a cup of coffee and breakfast  have become our normal routines. 

With the help and understanding of the authority of Town of Richmond Hill, our members can now enjoy the luxury of playing table tennis at 4 different centres and at time slots that fit their personal schedules with reasonable equipment and friendly environment. 

Blessed with the above favourable elements and our well-established friendly tradition over the years,  all newcomers feel  at home and we take pride in witnessing the membership enrolling in our program has grown by leaps and bounds recently. 

It is through playing table tennis that this group has come into being and personally,  it is very gratifying for us to come to round up a bunch of very good Friends as an added bonus. LONG LIVE RHTTC55+ 

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