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Patti Page - Tennessee Waltz

Clara Ann Fowler (November 8, 1927 – January 1, 2013), known by her professional name Patti Page, was an American singer and one of the best-known female artists in traditional pop music. She was the best-selling female artist of the 1950s,[1] and sold over 100 million records.[2] She was often introduced as "the Singin' Rage, Miss Patti Page". A New York disc jockey on WNEW, William B. Williams, introduced her as "A Page in my life called Patti".
Page signed with Mercury Records in 1947, and became their first successful female artist, starting with 1948's "Confess". In 1950, she had her first million-selling single "With My Eyes Wide Open, I'm Dreaming", and would eventually have 14 additional million-selling singles between 1950 and 1965.
Page's signature song, "Tennessee Waltz", recorded in 1950, was one of the biggest-selling singles of the 20th century, and is also one of the nine official state songs of Tennessee. "Tennessee Waltz" spent 13 weeks atop the Billboard magazine's Best-Sellers Listin 1950. Page had three additional No. 1 hit singles between 1950 and 1953, with "All My Love (Bolero)", "I Went to Your Wedding", and "(How Much Is That) Doggie in the Window".
Unlike most pop music singers, Page blended the styles of country music into many of her most popular songs. By doing this, many of Page's singles also made the Billboard Country Chart. Towards the 1970s, Page shifted her career towards country music, and she began charting on the country charts, up until 1982. Page was one of the few vocalists to have made the country charts in five separate decades.
When rock and roll music became popular during the second half of the 1950s, traditional pop music was becoming less popular. Page was one of the few traditional pop music singers who was able to sustain her success, continuing to have major hits into the mid-1960s with "Old Cape Cod", "Allegheny Moon", "A Poor Man's Roses (Or a Rich Man's Gold)", and "Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte".
In 1997, Patti Page was inducted into the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame. She will be posthumously honored with the Lifetime Achievement Grammy Award in 2013.

以演唱《田納西華爾滋》(The Tennessee Waltz)等經典老歌聞名於世的美國老牌女歌手Patti Page,一日晚間在南加州一間療養院去世,享年85歲。

Patti Page50年代全世界唱片銷量最高的女歌手,在67年的職業歌唱生涯中累積的專輯銷量已破1億張。中低音優美純厚,經典名曲Tennessee Waltz在流行排行榜上停留超過30星期,有千萬張的銷售量,這首歌也是史上第三暢銷單曲。除了1950年的暢銷金曲Tennessee Waltz以外,還包括 Changing PartnersI Went to Your Wedding、以及Hush,Hush, Sweet Charlotte等。1960年代,披頭崛起,她的歌曲風格從此不再成為主流。

Patti Page 1999年以專輯「Live at Carnegie HallThe 50th Anniversary Concert」贏得在她進入歌壇50年後第一座葛萊美獎。並將在2月獲頒葛萊美終身成就獎,她原本期盼能親自出席領獎。

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