, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html RHTTC55 e-Magazine : December 2024


 Please note the following December closures and cancellations


All centres closed on Dec24 (early closure, 12 pm), 25 and 26


Cancellations 乒乓球活動取消:

Bayview Hill

Dec 23,24,27,30,31


Dec 31

Oak Ridges

Dec 23,27,30

Rouge Woods

Dec 23,24,30,31

Merry Christmas


Charles Lee

Table Tennis is Good For The Brain


Table tennis is widely regarded as one of the fastest and most dynamic sports in the world. Its fast-paced nature requires quick reflexes, precise hand-eye coordination, and strategic thinking, making it a mentally and physically engaging activity. Additionally, due to its relatively low-impact movements compared to high-intensity sports, table tennis is accessible to players of all ages and fitness levels. This characteristic makes it particularly appealing as a lifelong activity, allowing individuals to continue playing well into their later years.

Moreover, studies have shown that regular participation in table tennis can have significant benefits for cognitive health. The rapid decision-making and constant mental stimulation involved in the game help improve focus, memory, and problem-solving skills, which can contribute to keeping the brain strong and sharp. For older adults, table tennis serves as an enjoyable way to maintain physical agility while promoting mental acuity, offering a perfect balance of exercise and entertainment.



Christmas Potluck 聖誕聚餐 2024

We are truly grateful for the professional-quality photos that beautifully captured the spirit of our Christmas Potluck 2024

A heartfelt thank you to all the friends who participated in this festive event and contributed to its success. Your presence and enthusiasm made this gathering of our ping pong group truly special.

We extend our special thanks to Charles and Priscilla as well as the numerous volunteers for  organizing and setting up the event, and Li Jian for his incredible effort in taking such stunning photos and videos of this occasion. His dedication and talent ensured that the moments we shared are preserved in vivid detail.   These images will serve as cherished memories of the wonderful time we shared together.

We deeply appreciate the efforts of everyone involved in making this event so memorable and joyous. From the delicious food to the lively conversations and friendly matches, every element came together perfectly to create a truly unforgettable experience.

Thank you all for being part of this wonderful celebration! Last but not least, a big thank you to McConaghy Centre for let us use their beautiful hall for the event.




特别感谢Charles和Priscilla,以及众多志愿者,感谢你们精心组织和布置活动。同时,也要特别感谢 健,他倾注了巨大心血,拍摄了如此精彩的照片和视频。他的敬业与才华让我们共同分享的这些美好瞬间得以被生动地记录下来。这些影像将成为我们珍贵的回忆,永远定格在我们心中。



Photos of the potluck 2024

Share only within our own group of table tennis friends. 


Christmas Potluck 聖誕聚餐

 A friendly reminder : 

The Christmas Potluck will be held on Tuesday Dec 10 at McConaghy as scheduled. Please come by around 11:30 am. Please give us your food upon arrival so that it can be kept in the fridge or oven temporarily if necessary. We recommend that you bring a mask to be worn while you are getting food at the food table. Looking forward to seeing you there.

我們的聖誕聚餐將會如期于十二月十日在 McConaghy 長者中心舉行,請在十一時半左右到埸,並將你的美食交給我们,以便需要的話可暫時放進雪櫃或暖爐,同時請大家帶口罩到場,因為我们希你到食物桌取食物時能帶上口罩,期待與大家歡聚。

Charles and Priscilla

















How to Navigate the Later Years of Life

The journey from seventy to eighty marks a critical phase in life. Regardless of perspective, reaching seventy signifies entering true old age. At this point, the vibrant sunset of life approaches the horizon, and the colorful journey of life nears its end. According to official data, only 44% of people surpass the age of seventy, stepping onto the road toward eighty.

The decade from seventy to eighty is one of the most challenging in life—a turbulent period in later years. During this time, aging accelerates as all bodily organs irreversibly degenerate and deteriorate, akin to a machine nearing obsolescence, still running but faltering.

This period is also a time of heightened susceptibility to illnesses. As the immune system weakens and becomes less effective at resisting infections, minor ailments become frequent, and major illnesses can strike at any time, becoming the norm.

Furthermore, cognitive and physical decline during these years can lead to accidents such as dizziness, choking, collisions, and falls. Each incident risks bringing severe consequences that may be difficult to bear.

This phase also entails enduring the sorrow of losing peers—friends, comrades, colleagues, and classmates. Social circles shrink, confidants grow fewer, and the sense of loneliness deepens.

More critically, some may face conditions such as hearing loss, memory decline, or even the loss of self-care abilities. This not only subjects the individual to prolonged suffering but also places a heavy burden on their children.

Unpredictable events may occur at any moment during these years. A single careless mistake could irrevocably alter one’s life trajectory.

The later years of life are often fraught with challenges, as the traditional opera "The Hardship of Growing Old" poignantly conveys the sorrows and struggles of aging.

Some say that if you’ve reached seventy and stand at the starting line of eighty, you are extraordinarily fortunate, as more than half of your peers may no longer be alongside you.

If you reach seventy-five, congratulations—you are already a life winner. By this milestone, you’ve traversed half of the arduous road from seventy to eighty, and your actual lifespan has reached the national average life expectancy. At this symbolic refueling station, you can almost glimpse the signpost marking the end of life’s journey.

Should you persist and complete the journey to eighty, you become a triumphant victor of life. You’ve successfully reached the base camp of life’s summit, where you can rest and reflect on your remarkable journey.

From here, you may scoff at the distant goals of ninety or one hundred, deciding freely whether to continue or let go. At this stage, everything follows the natural course of life, leaving it to fate.

In the dictionary of our lives, the phrase “there’s always tomorrow” no longer applies. The only things we can control are: no regrets about yesterday, no gambling on tomorrow, cherishing today, and living every moment to the fullest.

As long as you can still eat and walk today, seize the moment to enjoy the delicacies you crave, marvel at the sights you yearn to see, and fulfill the dreams you once aspired to achieve. Seize the day; make life free of regrets!

Please share this with your elderly relatives, old classmates, and former colleagues as mutual encouragement and inspiration!



以下是烈治文山市長者中心的 Kim Sato 给我们的電郵,內容如下:

中心收到 Rouge Woods 及 Oak Ridges 關於有球友不願分用球桌的投訴,請大家必須明白 55+ drop in program 的運作是先到先得,假如與你約定一起打球的朋友未到,我們鼓勵大家與已經進入球場的球友打球,結識多一些新朋友。


都在大部分每月通訊之中。各位可向各中心查閱。 多謝合作。

Charles and Priscilla

今天工會在Bayview Hill 設立糾察線

 Please read the attached email from Jennifer about the current strike situation.

請注意,現在烈治文山市 CUPE 905 工會正在罷工,各社區中心的項工仍然運作,但今天工會在Bayview Hill 設立糾察線,請大家明白活動可能有延遲,請捉早到場,如有疑問,請參閱以下綱頁

Charles Disruption

Labour Disruption

The City of Richmond Hill is experiencing a labour disruption due to strike action by CUPE Local 905. Find out what City services are impacted.