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Dragon Boat Festival: Intro, History, Traditional vs Recent Celebration


The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar. This festival has a rich history and is widely observed not only in China but also in various parts of the world. In this article, we will delve into the origins of the Dragon Boat Festival, explore its cultural significance, discuss the celebrations both in China and internationally, compare the traditional practices with modern-day celebrations, and conclude with the importance of preserving this cherished festival.

Origins and History

Legend of Qu Yuan

The Dragon Boat Festival has its roots in ancient Chinese history, primarily associated with the legendary poet and statesman Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan lived during the Warring States period and was deeply devoted to his country. When his state fell into chaos, he expressed his grievances through poetry. Legend has it that Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Miluo River on the 5th day of the 5th month as a form of protest against the corrupt regime. To protect his body from being eaten by fish and evil spirits, villagers paddled out in boats, making loud noises and throwing rice dumplings into the river.

Traditional Customs

Over time, these actions became the foundation for the Dragon Boat Festival. The festival is characterized by dragon boat races, the consumption of zongzi (sticky rice dumplings), and the hanging up of pouches filled with herbs believed to repel evil spirits. These customs are practiced to commemorate Qu Yuan's sacrifice and to ensure good fortune and protection against evil.

Cultural Significance

The symbolism of Dragons and Boats

Dragons hold great significance in Chinese culture as symbols of power, strength, and good fortune. The dragon boat, with its ornate dragon head and tail, represents the spirit of the dragon. The rhythmic paddling of the participants symbolizes the harmonious flow of life and the unity of the community.

Warding off Evil Spirits

The Dragon Boat Festival is also believed to ward off evil spirits and bring blessings. The loud drumming and splashing of water during the races are meant to scare away malevolent beings. The zongzi, wrapped in bamboo leaves, is said to resemble the shape of the boat that carried Qu Yuan's loyal followers, who tried to retrieve his body from the river.

Celebration in China

Dragon Boat Races

Dragon boat races are the highlight of the festival in China. These races involve teams of rowers paddling in sync to the beat of a drum. The boats are beautifully decorated and resemble traditional Chinese dragons. The atmosphere during the races is filled with excitement and cheers from spectators.

Zongzi: Sticky Rice Dumplings

Zongzi, the signature food of the Dragon Boat Festival, are pyramid-shaped dumplings made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves. They are typically filled with various ingredients such as meat, beans, and nuts. Zongzi are steamed or boiled for several hours, resulting in a sticky and flavorful delicacy.

Hanging Up Pouches of Herbs

Another traditional practice during the festival is hanging up pouches filled with a mixture of herbs. These pouches, known as "Xiong bao" or "medicine bags," are believed to protect against evil spirits and bring good health and fortune. The herbs used in the pouches vary but often include mugwort, calamus, and wormwood.

Celebration Outside of China

International Dragon Boat Festivals

The popularity of the Dragon Boat Festival has spread beyond China, and it is now celebrated in various countries around the world. International dragon boat festivals have become cultural events that promote diversity, unity, and athleticism. These festivals feature dragon boat races, cultural performances, and exhibitions that showcase the spirit of Chinese traditions.

Cultural Exchange and Awareness

The international celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival provides an excellent platform for cultural exchange and awareness. It allows people from different backgrounds to come together and appreciate the rich heritage of Chinese culture. Participants and spectators gain a deeper understanding of the festival's significance and foster cross-cultural friendships.

Traditional Practices vs Recent Celebration

Modernization of Dragon Boat Races

While dragon boat races remain an integral part of the festival, the modern era has witnessed changes in their presentation. In addition to the traditional races, there are now professional competitions held worldwide, attracting participants and spectators from diverse backgrounds. The races have evolved into a competitive sport that combines athleticism, teamwork, and cultural appreciation.

Commercialization and Tourism

The increased popularity of the Dragon Boat Festival has led to its commercialization and the rise of tourism around the event. In some cases, the commercial aspects have overshadowed the cultural and historical significance of the festival. It is essential to strike a balance between promoting the festival's traditions and ensuring it retains its authenticity.


The Dragon Boat Festival, with its origins deeply rooted in Chinese history, has evolved into a global celebration of culture and athleticism. It serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving traditions while embracing modernization. By participating in dragon boat races, enjoying zongzi, and engaging in cultural exchanges, people from all over the world can join together to celebrate the spirit of unity, courage, and community.


What is the significance of dragon boat races during the festival?

Dragon boat races symbolize unity, teamwork, and the harmonious flow of life. They also help ward off evil spirits.

How do people prepare and eat zongzi?

Zongzi is prepared by wrapping glutinous rice and various fillings in bamboo leaves. They are then steamed or boiled for several hours before being enjoyed as a delicious treat.

Are there any other traditional activities during the festival?

Yes, apart from dragon boat races and eating zongzi, people also hang up pouches filled with herbs to protect against evil spirits.

What are some famous dragon boat festivals around the world?

Some well-known dragon boat festivals outside of China include those held in Hong Kong.

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