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Table Tennis news 乒乓球消息

 Dear friends,

I have three items to share with you.

(1) Starting in April, an evening session of 5-7:30 pm will be added to McConaghy every Wednesday.

(2) Please do not forget to get the free parking permit for Oak Ridges from the city of Richmond Hill. A charge of $4 per hour would be effective from April1 to Sept 31 if you do not have a free permit. However, you can get the permit only if you are a Richmond Hill resident.

(3) May I suggest that we use the lockers in the washroom while playing at Langstaff. This would free up the sitting bench, safeguard your belongings and eliminate the hazard of tripping.


(1) 由四月開始, McConaghy 長者中心將加設星期三打球時段,由下午五時至七時半

(2) 列治文山市的居民,請勿忘記向列治文山市政府申請在 Oak Ridges 的免費泊車證,否則由四月一曰至九月三十一日,你將要付四元一小時的泊車費

(3) 建議大家在 Langstaff 打球時用洗手處的儲物櫃存放物品,既能確保物品安全,又能空出坐位及避免被絆到的危險

Charles Lee

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