, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html RHTTC55 e-Magazine : Proof-of-Vaccination-Requirements-effective-Sept 22 For Recreational Programs

Proof-of-Vaccination-Requirements-effective-Sept 22 For Recreational Programs

Registration starts Tuesday, September 21 for residents. Review our vaccination policy prior to registration. 

Proof of Vaccination Requirements effective September 22

Beginning September 22, 2021, the Ontario government requires visitors to certain municipal facilities (e.g. recreation facilities, fitness centres, theatre, indoor event and meeting spaces) to be fully vaccinated and show proof of COVID-19 vaccination. This does not apply to the Main Municipal Offices or the Operations Centre.

To enter, visitors must:

Show proof of COVID-19 vaccination (print or digital)

Show valid ID (e.g., health card, driver’s licence)

Complete the screening form ( 

Note additional health and safety measures are in place once inside, including face covering/mask requirements and physical distancing. If you are feeling unwell, please do not visit a facility. 


Proof of vaccination is not required for the following:

Youth under the age of 18 actively participating in an organized sport, including training, practices, games and competitions, including:

sports leagues

organized pick-up sports

dance classes

martial arts

swim classes

Children under the age of 12

Medical exceptions

Individuals who cannot receive the vaccine due to medical exemptions are required to present identification and appropriate written documentation from a physician or registered nurse stating the individual is exempt for a medical reason. 

Parents/guardians, spectators ages 12 and over and all other visitors who do not meet the exemption criteria above must provide proof of vaccination and show ID before entering. Where adult participation and/or supervision is required, the adult accompanying the individual must show proof of vaccination and ID before entering.

All visitors, regardless of exemption, must still complete the online screening form at before entering and must adhere to other health and safety requirements when inside the facility.

Those who wish to withdraw from a program can contact

Where applicable, you are encouraged to speak with your sports leagues and organizations for any additional requirements they may have implemented. 

The health and safety of our staff and visitors is a priority for the City. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

For more information on the provincial proof of vaccination guidelines, visit the Ontario government's Frequently Asked Questions page or the Proof of Vaccination/Exemptions page.

Additional Health and Safety Measures 

Face masks or coverings are required in all enclosed public spaces. Exceptions include people who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons, children under the age of five or those who require accommodation in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. Learn more at

Signage is posted throughout facilities, including floor markers, to reinforce physical distancing and other health and safety guidelines.

Plexiglas barriers have been installed at front counter service areas and hand sanitizer stations will be available at all entrances.


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