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Buffett Has Been Selling Stocks In 2020: Here’s Why

Warren Buffett is possibly one of the best investors in this century.
He has the resources and insightfulness for investments.  We simply cannot follow him for these reasons.  If you like, you may buy his stock instead i.e. Berkshire Hathaway. Bill Gates has a portfolio of which 50% is Berkshire Hathaway. 

Timing the market and choosing sure win stock is dangerous. Personally I buy various mutual funds for a balance portfolio with good mix of cash equivalents, fixed income, equity, balanced and specialty funds and sit on them, rarely making any changes. The funds one buys depends on the risk one wants to take.  Personally, I leave enough disposable cash in the portfolio for about 2 years.  You may leave more for potential opportunities. As  retired senior, I am more interested in preserving wealth than creating wealth.

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