, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html RHTTC55 e-Magazine : Severe Weather Warning -18C feel like -30C

Severe Weather Warning -18C feel like -30C

I did not go to McConaghy Seniors Centre for ping pong this morning due to the severe weather condition.   I stayed home do internet surfing,  updating my RHTTC55 eMagazine and GRANDPA Blogging Journey.  Of course I would be busy shoveling snow on the driveway.  The snow was heavy during the night.  As I live next to the GO Station parking lot,  I heard the snow removal trucks working in the park through out the night. Guys,  what are you doing now?  Watching TV?  Reading Newspaper?  Today, most people would stay home.   Relax and have a very nice Sunday. 

Here to know more about what I did today recording the bits and pieces of my thought and activities. 

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