, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html RHTTC55 e-Magazine : Christmas Potluck

Christmas Potluck

Dear Friends,

Just to remind you that our annual Christmas Potluck 

Party will be held on Dec 14 at McConaghy Senior 
Centre. Starting time is 12 noon.Please let us know 
upon arrival if  your dish needs to be heated. Everybody 
seemed to enjoy the lucky draw very much last year. Any
donations for the draw would be appreciated. But the 
item must be NEW.You can give it to me, Thao, Charles 
Chow or Echo. I will be at 

(1) Richvale on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning, 
(2) Oak Ridges on Wednesday and Thursday morning, and 
(3) McConaghy on Friday morning and Sunday morning. 

You can also bring your donation to the party on Dec 14.
Looking forward to having a wonderful time with you all.


請不要忘記十二月十四曰在 McConaghy 長者中心舉行的聖

誕聚餐, 大家請于中午十二時到場,如你的食物需要加熱的話,
請立即交給我們. 去年大家都很喜歡餐後的抽獎節目,如欲捐出禮品(新的),
交給我,Thao, Charles Chow 或Echo, 我會在以下地點打球:

(1) 星期一下午及星期二上午在 Richvale

(2) 星期三及星期四上午在 Oak Ridges

(3)星期五及星期曰上午在 McConaghy.


Best Regards,

Charles Lee

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