, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html RHTTC55 e-Magazine : Venue Change for Table Tennis Drop-in at Rouge Woods

Venue Change for Table Tennis Drop-in at Rouge Woods

Dear friends,

Please note that table tennis drop-in at Rouge Woods
would be moved to Richvale Community Centre starting
September. Please refer to Kim's email for details.

I also like to remind you that table tennis at Langstaff
would be cancelled on Aug 28.


由九月起 Rough Woods 中心將會進行改建,乒乓球會遷往
Richvale 中心,地址是 160 Avenue Road, 不過因為
Richvale 亦要維修旳原故,乒乓球九月十日才開始,

另請留意八月二十八曰在 Langstaff 的乒乓球取消了

Best Regards,

Charles Lee

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