A one-day recreational games will be held on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 at Oak Ridges Community Centre, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please find attached (in a separate email) a detailed information sheet regarding the format of the games. Also attached are a blank registration form, as well as a sample registration form for your ease of reference. Please indicate your preference of matches, e.g., Singles, Doubles and/or Mixed Doubles to the club volunteers. Deadline for registration will be Tuesday, November 19, 2013.
Ridges Community Centre (橡树社区中心)举行.以下是比
- 比賽以勇於參予及樂在其中為目的. 包括男單打,女單打及混合雙打( 每人可參加兩項), 毋須付費, 但必須為列治文山中心55+會員.
- 單打每檯分配6人進行單循環比賽. 彼此對打一局,以最先取11分者為勝方(不設刁時). 雙打則每檯配四隊, 每檯設冠軍獎及最佳精神獎各一名.
- 報名先到先得, 填妥表格#419917(参阅附件)後請交回任何一中心, 並請在报名表格下方註明所參加項目. 如有疑问請向有关人仕查詢. 如報名人數超額,將另設後補名單, 並盡量安排參賽一埸. 報名由即日起至十一月十九日止.
- 大會職員負責抽簽分配各檯之選手及混雙之配對.
- 參賽者必須於上午 8:40 報到,並須逗留至 下午2:00, 賽畢即場頒獎.
- 大會備茶點招待.