, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html RHTTC55 e-Magazine : 遇险避难三常识




有一天搭乘电梯,就遇上了电梯突然断电,虽然紧急供电系统几秒后就开始作用,可是电梯还是从13 楼迅速往下坠。还好当时记起曾经看过电视教的,赶快把每一层楼的按键都按下,好在电梯在五楼终于停止了... 真的有捡回一条命感觉!  当你面临生死一线间时,当下的你所做的每一个动作将决定你的生死与否。生活中,难免会坐到电梯,但是,万一遇到电梯发生事故,迅速往下坠落时,你可能产生一个念头,站在电梯里随它吧! 
可是今天.... 我在电视的一个外国频道看到一个非常好的节目。其中,他们还请了专家示范..... 电梯下坠时保护自己的最佳动作:
第一、( 不论有几层楼) 赶快把每一层楼的按键都按下。 
说明:因为你不会知道它会何时着地,且坠落时很可能会全身骨折而死。  所以:第一点是当紧急电源启动时,电梯可以马上停止继续下坠。  第二点是为了要固定你人所在的位子,以致于你不会因为重心不稳而摔伤。  第三点是为了要运用电梯墙壁作为脊椎的防护。  第四点是最重要的是因为韧带是唯一人体富含弹性的一个组织,所以借用膝盖弯曲来承受重击压力,比骨头来承受压力来的大。


    花1分钟转一下吧!一个医师强调, 如果每个收到这份邮件的人, 能够转发十份给其他人,肯定至少有一条命将会被救回来┅  我已经作了我的部分了!!!  希望你也做你的部分┅请转寄转发。别只存档

Google Translation for above article:

Hello !

From the lifestyle information - 
Three common sense ideas in stressed situation - 
worth your reading

1 . The proper use of safety hammer
    July 23, 2011 motor car rear-end accident , when the travelers ready to escape, they found a broken window hammer Za Boli is invalid, even though both tried smashing windows Vince also did not move , the last place to escape from the car breaking . In fact, safety hammer smashing the middle Za Boli not open to Zabo corners ! ! ! Please put the messages forwarded to the people around , spread the knowledge of this important

(2) falling elevator how to do ?
Take the elevator one day , they met the elevator power outage, although a few seconds after the beginning of the emergency power supply system role , or from the 13th floor but the elevator to fall rapidly . Fortunately, at that time remember ever watched television taught, quickly put each floor of the buttons are pressed, fortunately finally stopped the elevator on the fifth floor ... really have had a narrow escape feeling ! When you face death line between when the moment every action you make will determine your fate or not. Life will inevitably sit elevator , but the elevator in case of an accident , fall down quickly , you may have an idea , standing in an elevator with it now !
But today .... I am a foreign channels on the TV to see a very good program . Among them, they also invited experts demonstration to protect themselves when falling elevator ..... best action:
First, ( with or several floors ) quickly put each floor of the keys are pressed.
Second, if there is an elevator handle, please put a stingy handshake .
Third, the entire back with the head close to the elevator walls, in a straight line .
Fourth , knees bent posture .
Note: Because you never know when it will touch the ground , and when falling body fractures are likely to die . So: The first point is that when emergency power is started, you can immediately stop the elevator continued to fall . The second point is that in order to fix the seat where you people , so you will not center of gravity and falls. The third point is that in order to use the elevator wall as spine protection. The fourth point is the most important because the ligament is the only body of an organization rich in elasticity , so borrow knees bent to withstand the pounding pressure to bear than the bones of the big pressure .

3 flat tire on the highway how to do ?
 First time to seize the steering wheel, control the direction , and then lower gear ( automatic transmission into low gear on ) , if possible , try to gently slow down after a break point brakes, must not slam the brakes .

    Spend one minute turn about it ! A physician stressed that if each person receiving this e-mail can be forwarded ten copies to others, will certainly have at least one life saved back ┅ I have made up my part ! ! ! Hope you will do what you some ┅ Please forward forwarding. Do not just archive

Thanks to Richard for his email article.