, pub-6611284859673005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html google-site-verification: google8c4a9aba60973e88.html RHTTC55 e-Magazine : Richmond Hill Table Tennis Club 55 Umpire Workship

Richmond Hill Table Tennis Club 55 Umpire Workship

Hi all Table Tennis players:
This is a friendly reminder for the forthcoming Free “TT Umpire Workshop”. It is open for all the 55+ Richmond Hill community centre members.

Date: Monday, 8th April, 2013.
Place: Oak Ridges Community Centre
                                    12895 Bayview Ave.
                                    Richmond Hill
Time: 1 pm. to 3 pm.

Umpire Workshop – The main purpose is to share our knowledge and experience for umpiring in general.

1. To discuss of the rules of the Game.
All games & matches are following the rules from the ITTF. Somehow we are conducting a Fun Game for 55+ & we shall relax the rules as to be finalized in the workshop.  
2. To give more information for the forthcoming 2013 Golden Fun Game.

3. To select a base group of players to be the Game Umpires and Score Keepers in 2013.

TT players are wishing to join us in the Workshop, please reply or contact us –
or - Peggie Ngan
Before the April 08, 2013 for seats setting & no. of Hand-outs.

Thanks to those players already sent me the reply for attending the Workshop.

Best Regards,
Johnson TAM for RHTTC55 Golden Fun Games organizing committee 2013

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