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RHTTC55 Activities

Hi Friends,

With delight, I wish to keep you posted about the club activities ahead:

1. RHTTC55  -  From now on, we will call ourselves Richmond Hill Table Tennis Club for the Older Adults 55+.  A blog on the internet named RHTTC55 has been constructed and is being refined for your use. Thanks to David Au who is the mastermind behind it. 

Richard Chi coordinating well with the office,  we have set up our own notice board at McConaghy.  It is located in our usual game room on the ground floor level.

Both the blog and the board will help strengthen our internal communication.  Members will benefit instantly by getting current news about the club. 

2. Friendly Match with Markham - We will send out a team of 15 plus players for the games. Our team, representing RHTTC55, will be guest players.  Information about the event:

Date : Friday Apr05, 2013Time: 1:00 p.m - 5:00 p.mPlace:
Angus Glen Community Center 3990 Major Mackenzie East Drive(Warden / Major Mackenzie)
Players nominated for our team are: For Singles: Yang, Wayne, LiQL, Hong ( Mdm ), George( Leung ), Gao, 

For Doubles:Yukhym, WangYJ, Vinod, Ursula, Ted, Richard, Peggie, Martin, Laiiling, Kain, Johnson, Joe, Jimmy, Jack, Janet, Emilia, David ( Au ), Carlo, Charles,Behrooz, Ben,( plus, if needed, the mentioned players for Singles ).

5 players will ultimately be selected for playing Singles, and 5 pairs for Doubles. Players can play both Singles and Doubles.

Detailed arrangement and specific team components will be confirmed by Richard Chi who serves as the captain.
( It is important for our nominated players to notify the committee immediately if not free for the match ).

Format of the games is set and agreed as follows:
* Round Robin for both Singles and Doubles, i.e. all 5 opponents ( or pairs ) will be played. * Best 2 out of 3 games for the matches* 11 Point Game * Ideally 4 Men & 1 Woman for the Singles team* For Doubles, free combination is allowed* No individual champion* Team with higher match scores wins* Umpiring will be handled by other members of both teams

Thanks to David Shea/ Terry, Ben/Ying, Jack Leung & Peggie for offering transport assistance to some of our players on the game day.
Members are encouraged to show up at Angus Glen CC and cheer for our team. 

3. Fun Games 2013 -   Enrolling will start soon. If interested,  please register early and make yourself available after mid May till mid June. With sponsorship, the Games this year is expected to be better facilitated.

4. Umpire Workshop - Apr08 at Oak Ridges. Good for players who wish to enhance or to share their knowledge about the game. Please refer to the email on March08 by Johnson Tam, our umpiring coordinator and leading committee member.Thanks for helping to build up a successful table tennis club for the Richmond Hill seniors.

Carlo for the RHTTC55 Committee

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