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How to Join RHTTC55 - The Richmond Hill Table Tennis Club for Older Adults 55+

If you love table tennis and a member of the Richmond Hill Community you are welcome to join RHTTC55 - The Richmond Hill Table Tennis Club for Older Adults 55+.  Just email us at with the following brief information:

  • Your name
  • Telephone number
  • email address 

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  • 1st invitation email :  The Blogger user RHTTC55 has invited you to read the private blog: RHTTC55 .

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  • 2nd invitation email: The Blogger user RHTTC55 has invited you to read the private blog: RHTTC 55 Members Area.

You'll need to sign in with a Google Account to confirm the invitation. If you don't have a Google Account yet, here is  to create an Google Account, or you can view the blog as a guest for up to 30 days.