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Safe Practices For Table Tennis

By []T Turner

One look at a ping-pong paddle and a lightweight table tennis ball may have you wondering just how anyone could sustain an injury while playing table tennis. Believe it or not, table tennis is a pretty intense game that requires a great deal of movement and coordination. It is not unheard of for people to experience strained muscles, or even impact injuries. You should fully understand all of the safety requirements before you attempt to play a full game of table tennis, and there are books and ping pong DVDs that can introduce you to several tips that will prepare you.

First of all, you should warm up. As with any sport, you should stretch your muscles a bit to prepare for the movement that is ahead of you. It is also important that you get our heart rate elevated a bit and get the blood flowing, because an immediate jump into a fast-paced game could shock your system just a bit. There is not any contact, and the sport is low impact, so your warm up may seem minimal when compared to that of other sports, but you should never disregard the importance.

If you find that you must sit out a game or two after your warm up, then it is important that you wear clothes that will keep you warm. If you have ever seen a cold rubber band snap when stretched, then you can better understand the things that can happen to your muscles if you allow them to become cold between periods of exertion. Ping pong DVDs can outline the muscles that you will use and the best way to keep them warm.

Once you have discovered the best ways to prepare, then you must consider the other elements of the game. However lightweight you think the ping-pong ball is, getting hit with one can still sting. It is a good idea to avoid walking through areas where games are in play. Keep your eyes on the arms holding paddles, too, because a smack in the face can leave a nasty bruise. Other safety measures, such as avoiding the corners of tables, leaving your water bottles safely away from the courts, and keeping an eye on your double partner, may seem like common sense. There are other things that you should always keep at the forefront of your mind, though, and ping pong DVDs will outline all of them, from rules for beginners all the way to the safest practices for tournament play. offers a line-up of killer table tennis DVDs. If you're looking for []ping pong videos to improve your game, visit for the best []table tennis videos.
Article Source: [] Safe Practices For Table Tennis

Related article:Table Tennis Safety Tips - Avoiding Ping Pong Injuries

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