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老朋友們切記!我們注定是孝順父母的最後一代,被兒女拋棄的第ㄧ代,千萬不要“人在天堂,錢在銀行”什麼「一個人很寂寞」、「老了沒人照顧」等種種負面訊息,早已是過時的說法。認清:財富只是數字問題,名利只是短暫虛榮, 生活才是人生的全部,當個「樂天自而輕鬆寫意地享受單身暮年」的人,人生就有如再度染上春天的色彩,條件是:身體強健、有錢、有閒、有朋友、並且有自己專屬的空間

 (一)作者上野千鶴子 1948年生,富山縣人,京都大學研究所博士課程修畢,現任東京大學研究所人文社會學系研究所教授,曾任芝加哥大學人類學系客座研究員,波昂大學客座教授,哥倫比亞大學客 座教授和墨西哥大學研究所客座教授。
 (二)主要研究領域為女性學、性別學。1994年以『近代家族的成立與凋零』『岩波書店』榮獲三多利學藝賞。代表著作有 上野千鶴子的社會學式文學,差 異的政治學,當事者主權,與中西正司合著,為晚年作好準備等書,近年來對高齡者問題十分關注。
作者以『結婚也好,不結婚也罷,無論是誰,最後都是一個人』, 一針見血道出人生真實結局作為開場白,並以統計數字來說明, 最後的人生終究是一個人。
這章的內容多屬耳熟能詳的基本理財生態,不過倒是有一個比較值得大家去遵循的建議:那就是『不要輕言退休』,作者鼓勵銀髮族積極去從事『第二春』 或是『第三春』的小事業 老年生活當中有個『專業小舞台』讓自己的能力繼續發揮並賺點小錢,不論在實質與精神面上都值得銀髮族去嘗試。
作者認為人一旦步入暮年生活,的確得面臨『誰來照顧自己』的問題。雖說現實社會的照護系統日漸完善,但接受照護仍需無比的勇氣與智 慧。此時仔細傾聽自己的聲音,誠實面對自己的身體,一旦成為受照護者也可以坦然以對。作者依據自己研究成果整理出受照護者,享受良好照護服務應具備的素養。
人生的句點,這裡指的當然是死亡,面對這個每個人必定要面臨的人生課題, 作者以一個人離開這個世界後, 還能留下什麼?自己又想以什麼方法離開人世?提出她的見解--單身者可以做的四項準備
1. 平常多與人接觸建立良好人際關係,以利有病痛時及早被發現
2. 盡早處理掉不能留下的物品
3. 關於遺體遺骨的處理,最好選擇不會讓生者感到困擾的處理方式,並 且讓生者充分瞭解自己的意思。
4. 準備好一切身後事的費用及謝禮,千萬別認為別人的幫助是出於義務或理所當然。『連身後事都顧得面面俱到』, 作者認為單身者若能抱著這種想法享受人生,便能安心的走完人生最後一程。
第四是老友:有個好朋友、好飯友和伴侶ㄧ樣重要,平時要廣結善緣,多            認識各類朋友,是單身貴族享受生活的一項祕訣。

總 之:
 不管你是長壽的歐吉桑或歐巴桑,到最後都是ㄧ個人,這句話ㄧ點也不悲涼,但並不可怕,全看你如何安排生活,全看你有沒有成熟的心理。喜歡的, 首先衡量有沒有危害老體、或大傷老本、或傷風敗德,若是正面, 亦是無傷大雅者(即虽有影响但对主要方面没有妨碍),就值得去做,別忘了,這輩子就只這ㄧ次,遇到好健康的或是幸福的事,可別總是期待留給下ㄧ代。
老朋友們切記!我們注定是孝順父母的最後一代,被兒女拋棄的第ㄧ代,千萬不要“人在天堂,錢在銀行”什麼「一個人很寂寞」、「老了沒人照顧」等種種負面訊息,早已是過時的說法。認清:財富只是數字問題,名利只是短暫虛榮, 生活才是人生的全部,當個「樂天自而輕鬆寫意地享受單身暮年」的人,人生就有如再度染上春天的色彩,條件是:身體強健、有錢、有閒、有朋友、並且有自己專屬的空間

 Google Translation

 At Old Age

 (A) Ueno Chizuko, born 1948 the Toyama County Institute of Kyoto University, Dr. courses completed, current University of Tokyo Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor, former Visiting Fellow of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Chicago, a visiting professor at the University of Bonn , a visiting professor at Columbia University and the University of Mexico Institute visiting professor.

 (B) the main research areas as women's studies and gender studies. "Modern Family establishment dying" Iwanami Shoten in 1994 was awarded the the Suntory Arts reward. The representative works Ueno Chizuko sociological literature, differences in political science, the sovereignty of the parties concerned, together with Chinese and Western is Secretary, ready to prepare for old age, and other books, in recent years, is very concerned about the elderly. This book is divided into six chapters 

The first chapter, "Welcome to the single familyAuthor to marry or not to marry worth mentioning, whoever, and finally a "hit the nail on the head tells the true ending of life as prologue, and statistics to illustrate the last life eventually. 

Second chapter "How to choose living residence? 'The authors do not have to worry about the family and work, you can enjoy the basic conditions of life, is an exclusive residence. Many older people to stay in care facilities "home life," the desire to even want to go back to the one designed their own home ", rather than" family and child (ren) '. 

Chapter III "How to maintain interpersonal relationships? 'Workplace friendship do not only rely on the old age, relationship should also expanded in other areas, and referred to the high-tech, such as the Internet and mobile phones, but also the mobility-old man of low way to make friends, but also suggest that the elderly can cross some "dinner" friends. 

Chapter IV "how to do financial planning? 'Chapter mostly the basic financial eco familiar, but I have a more deserving of everyone to follow the recommendations: that is, "Do not give retirement" of seniors are encouraged to take active steps to engage in a "second spring" or " Miharu "cause" Professional Stage elderly living their ability to continue to play and earn a little money, both in the physical and spiritual plane worth Seniors try. 

Chapter V, "How the face of health care? 'The authors believe that the people entered the twilight years of life, "Who will take care of themselves," was indeed facing. Although the reality of the social care system is increasingly improved, but receiving care need tremendous courage and wisdom. Listen carefully to your own voice, to be honest with their own body, becomes subject caregivers can also frankly to. Author sorted out according to their own research by caregivers, enjoy a well-care services should have literacy.      

Chapter VI "how to draw the life period? 'Period of life, and here of course referring to the death, in the face of life issues that everyone must be faced, of a person to leave this world, but also to leave behind? Want to own what died? Four presented her views - a single person can do to prepare: Usual contact with the people, to establish good interpersonal relationships, was found early Lee sick.2. Dispose of items that can not be left as soon as possible.About the remains of the remains of the treatment, the best choice will not feel troubled approach the living and the living to fully understand their meaning.4 ready for all funeral expenses and honoraria, do not think that with the help of others out of obligation or taken for granted. "Coveralls funeral care exhaustive", the authors believe that if a single person With this in mind and enjoy life, and the race of life last trip will be able to feel at ease. 

Conclusion: Saying goes "good financial management is not poor, and well-planned not chaos, adequate preparation is not busy, we reserve army of the elderly, whether ready? Prepared in advance, in the future you need not worry about the old life after. 

To prepare the first thing old kin, usually need to pay attention to Miyaki: eat nutritiously, pay attention to maintenance, have accomplishment. 

Old ranking: its excessive fear and loneliness, ㄧ given to children and grandchildren to live the live swallow the living, not as good as alone to enjoy the joy of singles, whether in the city or suburbs, lived most suited to their own place. 

Third, savings, since raising a child has been unable to pension, parents can only self-sufficiency, the stakes ㄧ insured well into the coffin ㄧ fixed, regardless of the family property. The fourth is an old friend: a good friend, Friends of a good meal and partner ㄧ of kind of important, usually to many friends, to learn more about the various types of friends, singles to enjoy life a secret.  To sum up: You longevity Old Man or the old lady, to last are ㄧ personal, words ㄧ point is not sad, but not terrible, it all depends on how you arrange life, it all depends on you have a mature psychological. Like, the first measure have not harm old or major injuries stakes or colds Immoral, if positive, be harmless (ie, although the impact but did not prevent the main aspects), it is worth doing, do not forget this life only PROLINK experience good health or happiness thing, do not always look forward to leaving lower ㄧ-generation. 

Old friends remember! We are destined to be the last generation of filial piety, children abandoned, Paragraph generation, do not "in heaven, money in the bank", "a very lonely man", "old no one to take care of all the negative messages, already is Obsolete say. Clearly understand: wealth just numbers problem, fame and fortune is short-lived vanity, life is life, "Lotte comfortable and relaxing to enjoy single twilight" of life there, such as re-infected with the colors of spring, is: body strong, money, leisure, friends, and have your own space.  

Bless us everyone has to color elderly happy happy life!

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