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Table Tennis and Your Health - A New Exercise Option

Table Tennis and Your Health - A New Exercise OptionBy []Lauren Traveau

Many members of our society cringe when they hear the word exercise. Visions of laborious repetitions of sit-ups and mindless miles on a treadmill are not motivators to get one up and moving. Table tennis is a wonderful alternative to other tedious exercise options. It can be played any time of the year. Most equipment is inexpensive and does not require a lot of space. Foldable tables can be stored when not in use and moved indoors or out depending on the weather.

The tabletop sport is a good aerobic activity. It is, after all, one of the fastest sports around. Achieving an effective aerobic workout does not require one to push him or herself to exertion. Accumulating a couple of hours each week playing this game, at any level, can be beneficial to your cardiovascular health. The sport is unlikely to become boring because you will never play the same game twice. You can exercise with a partner or on your own by utilizing a table tennis robot. Regardless of whether your partner is human or robotic, you can determine how strenuous to make the workout.

Not only can this sport provide an effective workout, it is a game that can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of age, disability, or limitation. It is not reserved for one group of people. Able-bodied athletes and disabled athletes, young players and senior players, men and women can all compete against one another on equal terms. Because it is a non-contact sport, players of different strengths and sizes can compete against one another without one having the advantage. Players are also spared the need to be worried about the bruises and broken bones that can often result from playing contact sports.
Playing this tabletop game is a great way to exercise your brain. According to Clinical neuroscientist and psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Amen, author of "Making A Good Brain Great: The Amen Clinic Program For Achieving And Sustaining Optimal Mental Performance", table tennis is the best sport to exercise the brain. Many areas of the brain are put to use when you play a match. You engage both the upper and lower parts of your body, you utilize hand-eye coordination skills, and you perform aerobic activity. Playing this game engages your brain on many levels. The more you engage your brain, the sharper you will be.

Another benefit of playing is that you constantly develop your hand-eye coordination. Consistently playing will help you to continue to develop and maintain this important skill. Hand-eye coordination is necessary for everyday agility. Bad hand-eye coordination can result in accidents and injuries. Playing this game will help to keep your hand-eye coordination at a high level. This is an added benefit for seniors who practice the game. It helps you to stay alert and able to react.

The benefits of this sport are being seen around the world.   rel=nofollow []Table tennis clubs are being set up in schools to engage children who are struggling academically or socially. Children who take to the game are demonstrating improved communication skills, better attendance at school, higher levels of self-esteem, and are more alert and willing to participate. This game is a tool that is being used around the world to help our children to grow into confident, healthy young men and women.

Lauren Traveau is a table tennis enthusiast who researches and writes articles about the game of table tennis. For more of her articles and other information about table tennis or ping pong, visit our Table Tennis website linked above. To take your table tennis game to the next level, consider training with a table tennis robot; learn more at [].

Article Source: [] Table Tennis and Your Health - A New Exercise Option

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