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A Baby Boomer's Retirement Activities

My retirement dated back to  21st of February 2011. It was The Family Day and  a public holiday.    The 18th of February 2011 was my last working day.     More and more people asked what  I do during the retirement.   

I have given much thought to my retirement activities.   There are plenty of them and they will keep me very busy.  Here below is the abstract from my previous post:

Fitness exercises - ping pong 
Body fitness and health are important during retirement.  To maintain the health and body fitness regular exercise such as walking, going to the gym and yoga are the things I would do and would do them regularly.

I started blogging several years already.  It was fun for myself as I like to express my ideas and share these ideas with other people who have the similarinterest.    Blogging is also a very good exercise for the brain.   You know what,  with blogging I can make some extra money for my out of pocket expenses.
Video production
I want to produce my own videos.   I would start searching for a suitable video camera and start making video shooting for my daily activities.  Hopefully, I would be able to show you guys my videos on my own blog.  What I have in mind is David Singing old time songs such as 'My Way' '
Moon River'  'Green Green Grass of Home' in the videos.
I like singing.  I like it so  much that I can sing for hours alone by myself. I like singing the old songs, the pop songs both Chinese and English and Chinese opera.  I would join some buddies who are singing fanatics like me.  Probably, we would meet and sing every week.
Guitar/piano lessons
I don't know playing guitar.  I have one in the closet.  I would like to learn guitar in my forthcoming retirement.   Piano is also my next favourite.  A little hesitation here because it costs a lot more. 
Both in my front and backyard I have plenty of trees, shrubs, grasses and perennials.  I need to do some research to know them and to look after them better.  This is a promise to myself as well as the previous owner of my existing home.   
House maintenance
The house I bought for retirement is an old house built in 1958.  In order to keep this house in good condition, regular maintenance such as painting, repairing, updating are very important.  It would be lot of action and plenty of exercises for me.  
It is my favourite because I enjoy doing it.  I like eating and sharing good food with friends.  I would write on a regular basis about cooking and their recipes here in this blog for my buddies and readers.
The library building is around the corner at the intersection of Yonge and Major Mackenzie.    I like going there browse through the books and I would be a happy man.
Voluntary works
What I have in mind is going to Yee Hong and the similar nursing homes to entertain  the seniors with my songs, the old time songs.  These songs would bring back lot of sweet memories for them.  I make them happy and I am happy too.
Tea party
This is the best time when old buddies meet and talk or just sitting there without talking but don't feel bored.   The reason, each of them is special in some way sometime and somewhere long long ago.  We drink tea or coffee some with sugar some without.   Of course, we would eat some Chinese dim sum.  

My buddy wrote me this after reading my post on "Boomers Gossip - Retirement Activities":

The way you put it, you will have a plate full.
Don't worry.  You will complain you don't have enough time, especially when you are "fortunate" enough to take care of your grand children.
Trust me, you'll be too busy to attend to your other plans.

PS - Info from current retirees

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